
amazing sara

I am just back from the 
concert of Sara Bareilles. Well, If I loved her before, now I am irrevocably and truly in LOVE for good! She is FUCKING AWESOME! Cute, smart, funny and she is an amazing live performer. She is one of those that I would highly recommend to listen to live. Musically perfect, intonationally precise, emotionally rich and improvisationally technical. There's something behind every song - depression, dush ex-boyfriend, self-esteem issues. She always knows how to sing to make it sound better than originally, she always knows what to say to make the audience laugh or just listen. I've been to concerts... Different ones. But this one is nothing in comparison. Marron 5 were fantastic but I can't forgive them skipping one of my favourite songs - Won't Go Home Without You; Coldplay were good but I wasn't their crazy fan and it was all my boyfriend's initiative; Avril Lavigne was kinda childish and too short in time; Rihanna was good, mostly thanks to the show, but emotionally she was a lil poor and vocally I loved only 2 songs; Katy Perry - well, I was kinda disappointed as the show itself was dumb, and let's face the truth, she is far from the best live performer. This time it was something different, on my personal scale it hit 10 of 10. The concert hall itself is so cute - small but the stage is 10 steps from you, and I didn't care about standing or being hot. Who would care?! I had goose bumps all over  my body, I was enjoying every song and I could barely hold back the tears when she sang gravity acapello. The emotions were taking over me! And her band is great as well, from their face expressions you can tell the guys love what they are doing. Great team job! A couple of jazzy songs they made were really cool too.  I went home being so inspired, full of delight! 


3 коментарі:

  1. это не важно, но я скажу это - я очень рада,что именно я подсадила тебя на нее.... ибо она - великолепна)
    мечтаю побывать там...
    очень рада за тебя и за твой глоток вдохновения!!

    я думаю на концерте именно вокально очень услышать ее, еще лично мне - Бийонс, Леону и Гагу.

  2. а мне еще бы услышать Леону, Стинга и Адель)
    и да, по-моему, мы очень положительно влияем на вкусы друг друга во всем) только не в парнях)))
    да, это были 2 часа чистого вдохновения. Сара просто чудо! Такая вся веселая, открытая и очень искренняя!
