

   Honestly I already made a mini resolution list on New Year's Eve in my paper diary. But it took me this long to update it here. I wouldn't say I didn't have time for it earlier, but the timing and inspiration didn't coincide until now. Either I felt like writing but my baby kept me occupied, or he was sleeping and I actually could make some notes, but  didn't feel like doing it - too tired, too unfocused, too lazy (that happens), too upset. I was sick all this as well which didn't help much with inspiration and motivation. Finally started feeling better overall and less exhausted. So here I come. 

!!!!Resolutions for 2014!!!!
  1. Keeping implementing healthy eating habits for the whole family and trying to stick to it in everyday life. 
  2. Systematical working out, growing the muscles. Doing light general exercises every morning.
  3. Professional development in 4 major directions - voice, translation/interpreting, photography, floral design (at this point highlighted goal is the priority).
  4. Do not procrastinate!!! - one of my biggest issues.
  5. Watch my language for swearing - pretty ugly habit as for a girl.
  6. Stay away from complaining! - another big issue, even though I think I already have succeeded a lot since I got pregnant.
  7. Take it easy and don't be crazy chasing perfection - no one is perfect, nothing is perfect (sometimes to enjoy the life you just have to lower your expectations).
   That would be it. These are not my plans and goals, just general guidelines I will try to follow this year. I do have a list of planned stuff written on paper, but I would save that one private, just because I do believe that plans should be kept in secret until they become the reality. But as soon as they do, I will definitely share it.
   Have a wonderful year stuffed with dreams come true and significant achievements! Keep moving on. Slowing down means regressing. 
PS. Hopefully my laptop will be fixed soon and I will be able to post in Russian again. That feels kind of more natural here. 
Some pics of our American family Christmas.

2 коментарі:

  1. yes, I can say those are the real pictures of an American Christmas!
    and indeed, you have a very strange resolution list)))
    I have not made mine until the very 31st or even 2nd, I do not remember really.
    Yes, stop complaining and get things done, girl! the one who looks stunning after having a baby should know how to get your butt doing something (a nice little praise in Lavrova-style)))).

    PS received the card yesterday - this time I'll keep the envelope, so I will not search the address for ages) yes! coffee is waiting!
    love u a lot, not sure of the amount of love to Sawyer, will check when I meet him))


    1. I finished my resolution list a couple minutes before midnight followed by opening a champagne bottle. It's very unmaterial if you can say so, I lost most of the interest in the material stuff since Sawyer was born.
      I am working on getting my butt moving lol
      And Iam glad you received my card!!!!
